School officials cannot:
• Ban speech solely because it is controversial, takes extreme, fringe minority opinions, or is distasteful, unpopular or unpleasant.
• Ban the publication or distribution of material relating to sexual issues including, but not limited to, virginity, birth control and sexually-transmitted diseases (including AIDS).
• Censor or punish the occasional use of indecent, vulgar or so-called “four-letter” words in student media.
• Prohibit criticism of the policies, practices or performance of teachers, school officials, the school itself or of any public officials.
• Cut off funds to official student media because of disagreement over editorial policy.
• Ban speech that merely advocates illegal conduct without proving that such speech is directed toward and will actually cause imminent unlawful action.
• Ban the publication or distribution of material written by non-students.
• Prohibit the school newspaper from accepting advertising.
• Prohibit the endorsement of candidates for student office or for public office at any level.