Students found to be using any student media equipment for any illegal activities, or who are suspected of stealing any such equipment, will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution and will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the department faculty and staff, to include suspension and/or a lifetime ban from contributing to or participating in student media at Richland College.
Students found to be using any student media equipment to create, purchase or distribute pornography will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the faculty adviser, to include suspension and/or a lifetime ban from contributing to or participating in student publications at Richland College. Students are required to use all facilities and operate all equipment within the guidelines established by the instructional associate/specialist and/or faculty adviser. Students who fail to abide by this policy will be subject to disciplinary action and the discretion of the department faculty and staff. Only staff members hired by the editor-in-chief and managing editor may use student media computers, equipment and facilities. Only journalism students may use the journalism computer lab, which is open to them when classes are not scheduled between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Students are very strongly discouraged from bringing any children who require supervision or any animals of any kind into any student publications facilities. The faculty adviser and/or instructional associate/specialist must approve exceptions.