Thursday, March 1, 2007

21. Equipment Use Checkout Policy

Student Media Equipment Checkout Policy

I, the undersigned, agree to be bound by all stipulations listed below for checking out equipment that is the property of Richland College student media:

  1. I will return the equipment to student media in full working order by the time listed on the sign-out sheet.
  2. I will not take the equipment anywhere other than where my assignment requires me to go.
  3. I will follow all directions regarding use of the equipment.
  4. I agree to pay the full cost of repair or replacement of any piece of equipment that gets broken, stolen or misplaced during the time that I have it checked out in my name.
  5. I agree that I will not transfer the equipment to another student; instead, I will return the equipment to the instructional associate, instructional specialist or adviser and direct the other student to check equipment out through them.
  6. I agree that I will not leave any equipment in a motor vehicle for any length of time.
  7. I understand that if the equipment is not returned by the time listed on the sign-out sheet, the Richland Police Department will be contacted for arrest and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
  8. I understand that I must make prior arrangements to check out equipment and that if I fail to do so, the equipment that I may need for a class or student media assignment may be checked out by another student and may not be available.
  9. I agree that I will not use student media equipment for personal projects that do not pertain to student media activities or assignments or approved journalism department assignments.