Advertising is a constitutionally protected expression. School publications may accept advertising. Acceptance or rejection of advertising is within the purview of the publication staff, which may accept any ads except for those products or services that are illegal for all students. Political ads are discouraged. The publication should not accept ads only from one side of an issue or election.
• Does not advertise the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances.
• Does not advertise sexually-related products or businesses, excepting those businesses and not-for-profit organizations primarily selling or distributing products or services for birth control, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and counseling and services to treat medical conditions.
• Does not violate the principles of good design (i.e. printing upside down or sideways, etc.).
• Does not sell academic papers or offers to write or research academic projects for students or in any way promotes plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
• Is not libelous, misleading or in violation of postal regulations or local, state or federal law.
• Is written in English.
• All advertising must be pre-paid with credit card, cash or a check. (Ads sold for Power Buy may pay with credit card or have credit established with the UTA Shorthorn.)
• All camera-ready artwork and space reservations must be received by the established posted deadline, generally
• Ads smaller than six column inches are considered classified ads and will be placed in that section.